Hi all and I am pleased to post my very first blog post here! Over here, I will regularly post photos and thoughts about my experiences here in Hsiayun Elementary, Fusing, Taoyuan County.
I hope these 2 months spent here (AIESEC Development TraineeShip) will be enriching and a refreshing break from city life in Singapore.:)

A typical view of Hsiayun Elementary during the day time. It is quite beautiful with the mountains in the background.

The beautiful view of the surrounding mountains, taken outside our 宿舍.

安老师 teaching the kids english using picture cards during assembly.
Since the school has only about 60 students, this is surprisingly effective. In Singapore, with 1000+ students in an elementary school, we cant use this method!

Some of the flowers called "大波斯菊" outside the school's general office. Very pretty indeed!!!

The kids here frequently line up outside the office in a very military fashion. In Singapore, we call this "Fall-In"..
Based on what I have observed over the last 2 weeks, the children here are well-disciplined and polite. :)

The "house" which we share with 黄老师. He has been very helpful and nice to us! Thanks for the help!
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